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The 4 L's of Productive Partners Poster

The 4 L's of Productive Partners Poster

Display Dr. Kate Kinsella's 4 L's of Productive Partnering in a fun way in your classroom! Choose your poster size—and print out a coloring page for your students, too! You'll get a zipped file with PDFs of various landscape (wide) sizes to choose from. Each poster is just slightly smaller than the document size for room for a border for a nice print! Choose from the following posters—all are included! • 8.5"x11" landscape color poster • 8.5"x11" blackline poster—encourage these skills with some coloring fun! • 11"x17" landscape color poster • 12"x18" landscape color poster • 16"x20" landscape color poster Love this Productive Partners poster set? Please leave a review/rating—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Have fun! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free on Teachers Pay Teachers or elsewhere. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Ketchup Folder Cover – Absent Work Printable

Ketchup Folder Cover – Absent Work Printable

Ketchup Folder – Absent Work Printable Make catching up on absent work a breeze for students...and you! Print this fun page and affix to a folder to store absent students' work so it's ready to go when they return. Students can return the work to you in the folder as well to keep the process organized! Pick your favorite PDF and print it...or work on creating your own with the bonus editable PowerPoint file! You'll get a zipped file with: • PDFs—Color, grayscale, and outline versions of: 1. Cover "Ketchup Folder" design only 2. Cover with text option #1: "We missed you while you were gone and are happy to have you back! Here is the work you missed. Please return the completed work in this folder by: ______" 3. Cover with text option #2: "We missed you while you were gone and are happy to have you back! Here is the work you missed. Please see me if you have any questions." • BONUS—An editable PowerPoint file: Looking to create your own folder cover? This bonus editable file has the color border, color "Ketchup Folder" image, and some starter text to get you going! (Note—"We missed you" font not available in this editable format; text is in Arial, and you can change it to whatever font you have and love!) • Images—Files You Can Use to Get Creative: 1. Borders: Color and Gray border with transparent center (PNGs) 2. Color Ketchup Text + Design (PNG and JPG) 3. Grayscale Ketchup Text + Design (PNG and JPG) 4. Outline (No fill) Ketchup Text + Design (PNG) 5. Outline (White fill) Ketchup Text + Design (PNG and JPG) Love this Ketchup Folder Cover printable? Please leave a review/rating—I'd love to know how you used it in your classroom! Have fun! – Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Lunch Box Notes – Healthy and Happy Days!

Lunch Box Notes – Healthy and Happy Days!

Lunch Box Notes – Fun and FREE printable lunch notes! Parents—your kids will loves these coloring cards—they'll encourage them and brighten their day! This freebie includes nine color cards with custom characters and motivational messages encouraging children to have a great day and to enjoy a healthy lunch, too! Teachers—share this resource with the parents of your students so they can pop them into lunches! Love this set of lunch notes? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used the it! – Enjoy! Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Desk Fairy & Clean Desk Dude Reward Cards

Desk Fairy & Clean Desk Dude Reward Cards

Desk Fairy and Clean Desk Dude Reward Cards – Reward your students when they have a clean and organized desk with these FREE cards! Now The Desk Fairy and/or Clean Desk Dude can sneak into your classroom in the middle of the night! Simply print and cut out the cards of your choice and leave them in the students’ desks that are looking nice and clean! Color, black-and-white, and treat/no treat versions included! Love this set of clean desk cards? Please leave a review—I'd love to know how you used it! – Enjoy! Glue & Ink glueandink.com COPYRIGHT: Product is for personal use only and is not to be redistributed. This means that you are free to use this product personal use—in the classroom (or at home!) but not for commercial use. The products and/or its parts may not be used in the creation of products to be sold or given away for free. Thank you for respecting Glue & Ink's work! Enjoy!
Reward Coupons + Class Bucks Combo!

Reward Coupons + Class Bucks Combo!

Classroom Reward Coupons & Class Bucks/Money for Classroom Management: A fun and engaging way to reward students for a job well done in the classroom! Have students remember your classroom in a fun way! UPDATE: • All versions of bucks are now also available four to a page! Note: Bucks go the edge of the document—print one page first to check the margin around your bucks. Most document printers don't print to the edge and provide you with a margin. If you need more margins around the edge, simply scale down the print in the Print dialogue box in Adobe Acrobat. • In addition to the multi-page packet, all pages are now also included as individual pages. Create a reward system in your classroom that students will remember for years to come! Glue & Ink’s Reward Coupons & Class Bucks is easy to adapt into your classroom as a fun way to manage behavior and reward good work and good deeds! What’s in the 173-page PDF? FUN COVER (Couldn't resist!) IDEAS FOR USE TABLE OF CONTENTS REWARD COUPONS 1. Line Leader for the Day 2. Desk Buddy – Bring in a stuffed animal for a day! 3. Go Shoeless! Take off your shoes in the room! 4. Eat Lunch with the Teacher 5. Show & Tell – Bring in something you love and share it with the class! 6. Switch Desks with a Friend 7. Grab a Treat! 8. Pick a Prize! 9. Teacher’s Helper! 10. No Homework Pass! 11. Comfy Chair/Pillows for a Lesson 12. Read Aloud! 13. Positive Note from the Teacher 14. Free Choice! 15. Write with a Pen 16. Sit at the Teacher’s Desk for a Lesson 17. Skip Morning Work 18. Tech Treat 19. Class Messenger 20. Positive Phone Call Home 21. Use a Clipboard for a Lesson 22. Brain Break 23. Choose an Indoor Game for the Class to Play! 24. Pick a Class Party! 25. Work on In-Class Work with a Friend 26. Feed the Class Pet 27. Water the Class Pants 28. Homework Late Pass! 29. Add 10 Minutes to Class Recess! 30. Go to Lunch First! 31. Sit Next to a Friend for a Lesson 32. Help Teach a Lesson! See teacher for details! 33. Pick a New Pencil 34. Pick a New Eraser 35. Walk Break! 36. Take a Class Game Home for the Night! ***BLANK CARDS*** 37. Hearts 38. Sports 39. Stars 40. Stripes 41. Burst 42. School Supplies 1. One Buck – Lion 2. Two Bucks – Crocodile 3. Five Bucks – Otter 4. Ten Bucks – Bat 5. Twenty Bucks – Fish 6. Fifty Bucks – Ostrich 7. One Hundred Bucks – Penguin 8. Five Hundred Bucks – Cow 9. One Thousand Bucks – Pig